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GlobeMed at FIU

EDELAC (Escuela de la Calle) is a nonprofit organization that aims to empower youth by providing programs for destitute children living in various zones of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. EDELAC works to minimize the inflow of children living on the streets of Quetzaltenango through preventative social work, increase the earning capacity of parents, while taking into account their abilities and the needs of their children, strengthen the formal and informal education of high risk children, while addressing their other basic needs, and attend to the curative and preventative health of high risk children to contribute to their overall development.

Since its inception, EDELAC has made an immense impact on the community of Las Rosas by expanding its student capacity and continuing to raise the quality of its educational programs. The children that attend the school come from poor families with diverse interfamilial problems including alcoholism, a severe lack of nutrition, broken families, interfamilial violence, and displacement from one home to another. Close to 40% of families lack their own homes. Like GlobeMed, EDELAC believes that every human being deserves the right to health and education, regardless of one’s social or financial circumstances.

I had the pleasure to be the Co-Campaign Coordinator for Fall 2015- Spring 2016. I was in charge of fundraisers and tabling at FIU. The most successful fundraiser I hosted along with my Co- Campaign Coordinator, Jasmine Engram, was a Benefit Concert at a gallery in Wynwood and like all of the fundraisers that GlobeMed at FIU has, the profits went to EDELAC. We had about 100 people show up for the event.

With GlobeMed I was able to travel to Chicago for a 2016 GROW Institute were I met other interns who shared a common interest. We all valued service to communities around the world. We were dedicated to make a change and create a positive impact in someone's life.

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